
– My Watercolor Paintings Solo Art Exhibition –


 コロナ禍の中での個展開催となりましたが、来てくださった方には、ゆっくりと作品を見て頂き 感想を伺うことができました。来廊を断念した友人からは、温かいメッセージを頂きました。無事終えることが出来、感謝の気持ちで一杯です。


I didn’t imagine this adverse circumstances when I booked the gallery one and a half years ago.

My solo art exhibition was held in corona disaster. However, people who came to the exhibition could enjoy my paintings in spacious environment. I had good conversations with them, and got a lot of positive comments. Friends who gave up coming to gallery sent me warm messages. I would like to thank all of them!!
I could have pleasant time with my paintings around me, as well.

All of them were precious experiences and they will become the power of my creation!


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